There have been no real changes to the Communications Committee since last year.

The website has been working well for over a year now, thanks to Andrew Glover’s hard work as webmaster. He continues to add new content and update any contact details as and when required. Any news circulated through our digital media outlets has also been quickly added to the website. Thank you for continuing to support the Communications Committee, Andrew!

We continue to receive positive comments about the Guild Newsletter, which has settled comfortably into a release schedule of about three issues per year. We released a bumper edition back in August which also contained details of some of the royal ringing events that took place 2022-2023. The next issue is likely to be released over the Easter holidays, and will include another photography competition after the previous one was well-received.

Our digital media outlets remain popular choices for members to receive their communications, with new members regularly joining the ‘Winchester and Portsmouth Bellringers’ Facebook group, and the Win-Port-Bellringers Google Group, as well as the district subsidiaries. Instructions for how to sign up to any of these can be found on the website: under Resources\Guild Communications.

The Communications Committee would still benefit from new members. For further information or to join the team, please email:

Lizzie Colliss